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  • 7 Amazing And Interesting Facts About Brachiomon From Digimon

7 Amazing And Interesting Facts About Brachiomon From Digimon

Brachiomon is a Dinosaur Digimon. Take a look below for 7 amazing and interesting facts about Brachiomon from Digimon.

1. Brachiomon has long neck that resembles an ancient dinosaur.

2. It is gentle and laid back despite its big body.

3. In early Digimon media, Brachiomon’s skin was grey rather than orange.

4. After the roller coaster Agumon, Gaomon, Lalamon, and Calumon are riding drives into a lake, a Brachiomon helps them and puts them back on land.

5. A Brachiomon swims in a lake in the Digital World as Tai Kamiya and Agumon reunite nearby. And to the Digital World Another Brachiomon passes by as they travel to the rainbow mountain.

6. Brachiomon digivolves from Tortomon and can digivolve to Plesiomon. In order to digivolve or degenerate to Brachiomon, your Digimon must be at least level 38, with 7500 Aquan experience, but only if you have previously befriended Brachiomon.

7. Brachiomon digivolves from Ebidramon and can digivolve into Plesiomon. In order to digivolve or degenerate into Brachiomon, your Digimon must be at least level 30 with 115 defense and 95 speed.

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