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  • 8 Interesting And Fun Facts About Breakdramon From Digimon

8 Interesting And Fun Facts About Breakdramon From Digimon

Breakdramon is a Machine Dragon Digimon. Take a look below for 8 interesting and fun facts about Breakdramon from Digimon.

1. It is a gigantic Digimon said to exist in order to destroy everything on the ground.

2. When it digivolved, it successfully obtained the design data for various construction equipment through hacking, and it possesses power and ability surpassing other Machine Digimon.

3. However, in exchange for excellent mechanical performance, its organic parts were reduced almost to zero, and its motives and emotions were lost.

4. For that reason, it does not falter from the damage its body suffers, and it is feared as the ultimate dragon of destruction that will continue destroying until it rusts away.

5. After Breakdramon passes, not even “What?” is left behind.

6. Breakdramon DNA digivolves with Slayerdramon to form Examon.

7. Brakedramon digivolves from Groundramon and can DNA Digivolve to Examon with Slayerdramon.

8. Brakedramon is #278 and is an Earth Virus Type, Mega level Digimon and uses 20 memory. It digivolves from Groundramon, Triceramon, MetalTyrannomon, and DoruGreymon and can DNA Digivolve to Examon with Slayerdramon. Its special attack is Destroyed Rush and its support skill is Chiryu, which increases damage from Earth type attacks and Attack by 10%.

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