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27 Fun And Interesting Facts About Blue Jays

Blue jays are songbirds that belong to the Corvidae family. They’re native to the eastern United States forests. They inhabit deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests throughout eastern and central United States, and southern Canada. Take a look below for 27 more fun and interesting facts about blue jays. 1. Captive blue jays can live up…

25 Fun And Weird Facts About Hummingbirds

There are more than 325 hummingbird species, with about 8 that regularly breed in the United States. The majority of hummingbirds are located in tropical climates and won’t migrate. They can be found in Central and South America, as well as throughout the Caribbean. Take a look below for 25 more fun and weird facts…

28 Interesting And Fun Facts About Herons

Herons are long legged freshwater birds that belong to the Ardeidae family of birds. There are 64 different heron species that differ in color, size and type of habitat. They can be found on every continent except Antarctica. Take a look below for 28 more interesting and fun facts about herons. 1. The average lifespan…

28 Fun And Weird Facts About Hawks

Hawks are medium sized diurnal birds of prey that are part of the Accipitridae family. There are more than 200 known species of hawks. They can be found on all continents except Antarctica. They inhabit a wide variety of habitats such as, marshes, forests, rainforests, prairies, open savannas, grasslands, mountains, coastal regions and deserts. 1….

28 Fascinating And Weird Facts About Seagulls

Seagulls are grey or white seabirds that often have black markings on their head and wings. There are about 50 known species of gulls found in the world. They can be found all over, including Antarctica, as well as in the coldest regions of the Arctic. Take a look below for 28 more fascinating and…

24 Fascinating And Bizarre Facts About Guinea Fowls

Guinea fowls are medium sized birds that belong to the Numididae family. There are 6 species of guinea fowls that are native to Africa. They inhabit jungles, forests, grasslands, shrublands, savannas and semi-deserts. Take a look below for 24 more fascinating and bizarre facts about guinea fowls. 1. Guinea fowls are very adaptable birds. They’re…

24 Interesting And Fun Facts About Grouse Birds

Grouse birds belong to the Pheasant family. There are 18 species of grouse and the majority of them are found in cold regions of the northern hemisphere, such as the Arctic Circle. They tend to inhabit deciduous forests, scrubland, moorland, prairies and tundras. Take a look below for 24 more interesting and fun facts about…

24 Fun And Weird Facts About Goldfinches

There are 3 known species of goldfinch in the world. The first is the European goldfinch, followed by the widespread American goldfinch and Lawrence’s goldfinch, which can be found in south-west United States. Take a look below for 24 more fun and weird facts about goldfinches. 1. Young goldfinches don’t have the red face that…

24 Interesting And Weird Facts About Finches

Finches are a type of songbird. They’re divided in 4 subfamilies that have more than 40 genera. They can be found all over the world, except in Australia. The majority of finches are found in the Northern hemisphere. Take a look below for 24 more interesting and weird facts about finches. 1. Finches primarily inhabit…

27 Fun And Bizarre Facts About Falcons

Falcons are birds of prey that belong to the Falco genus. There are about 40 known species of falcons in the world. They can be found on every single continent except Antarctica. Take a look below for 27 more fun and bizarre facts about falcons. 1. Falcons can be found in almost all types of…