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  • 7 Fun And Interesting Facts About Astamon From Digimon

7 Fun And Interesting Facts About Astamon From Digimon

Astamon is a Demon Man Digimon. Take a look below for 7 fun and interesting facts about Astamon from Digimon.

1. Though it is an Ultimate Digimon, it possesses power surpassing that of a Mega, and is a Prince of the Dark Area which governs a legion of Demon Digimon.

2. It shows cruelty to its enemies and kindness to its friends, and because of that charisma, it is expected to gain a considerable number of followers among Demon Digimon.

3. Its prided machine gun, “Oro Salmón” (Esp: Gold Salmon), is the work of Vulcanusmon, who crafted Beelzemon’s favorite guns, the “Berenjena” (Esp: Eggplant), and the bullets fired from it possess their own will, so they will definitely chase the opponent to the “end of hell”.

4. In Digimon Fusion and Digimon Masters, Astamon’s mask is blue.

5. An Astamon was the first Digimon Quartzmon brought to the DigiQuartz.

6. Astamon is a card digivolution, digivolving from Sangloupmon and can digivolve to Belphemon Sleep Mode.

7. Astamon warp digivolves from Psychemon and can digivolve to Belphemon Sleep Mode.

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