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  • 7 Fascinating And Fun Facts About Cerberumon From Digimon

7 Fascinating And Fun Facts About Cerberumon From Digimon

Cerberumon is a Dark Animal Digimon. Take a look below for 7 fascinating and fun facts about Cerberumon from Digimon.

1. It is called the “Watchdog of Hell”.

2. The claws on its feet are hard enough to easily tear through Chrome Digizoid alloys, if they have a low purity.

3. Also, its body is protected by a hard living shell, which has the ability to instantly repair any damage it incurs.

4. The armor on its shoulders each possess sentience, and are able to instantly sense an attack coming from any direction, then report it to Cerberumon’s central body.

5. Cerberumon is based on the mythological Cerberus.

6. It resembles a black dog with three heads; one is the primary head in the middle, while its shoulders hold one each.

7. Cerberumon DigiFuses from Seasarmon, Tyrannomon, and DarkTyrannomon, and can DigiFuse to Anubismon with Garudamon and Seasarmon, to Samudramon with WaruSeadramon, Greymon L, and Musyamon, or to MaloMyotismon with VenomMyotismon, Ghoulmon, Arukenimon, and Mummymon.

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