HerculesKabuterimon X is an Insect Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody. Take a look below for 5 interesting and awesome facts about HerculesKabuterimon X from Digimon.
1. It is the Insect Kaizer who increased its aggressiveness and resistance through X-Evolution.
2. HerculesKabuterimon X is an enhanced version of HerculesKabuterimon.
3. It is more humanoid with large forearms, smaller secondary pair of arms, and shorter, broader side horns.
4. It gains a second pair of wings and orange muscle in the abdominal region.
5. HerculesKabuterimon can be obtained by either completing the Item Road quest with Agumon on Normal Mode, killing all the monsters in the Undead Yard with Guilmon, or completing the Seal the Souls quest with Veemon with at least 10 minutes remaining.