CresGarurumon is a Beast Knight Digimon. Take a look below for 5 fascinating and interesting facts about CresGarurumon from Digimon.
1. A final form of Garurumon. Unlike ZeedGarurumon, another final form, it’s a sub-species of MetalGarurumon taking on a humanoid form.
2. Donning armor made of golden Chrondigizoit that deflects attacks, it excels in swordplay, using the Yellow Beast Crescent Blade.
3. CresGarurumon digivolves from WereGarurumon and can digivolve to Omegamon Alter-S.
4. CresGarurumon digivolves from WereGarurumon and can Jogress to Omegamon Alter-S with BlitzGreymon.
5. CresGarurumon some instances digivolves from WereGarurumon.