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  • 5 Fascinating And Amazing Facts About GrapLeomon From Digimon

5 Fascinating And Amazing Facts About GrapLeomon From Digimon

GrapLeomon is a Beast Man Digimon. Take a look below for 5 fascinating and amazing facts about GrapLeomon from Digimon.

1. It is a Grappling-species Digimon that took in the data of various fighting games, using their original secrets to crush the opponent.

2. Although it rotates the turbines on both of its arms and feet to unleash ever-changing techniques, the turbines rotate by being blown into all at once by the fighting spirit emitted by its DigiCore, and can’t run on mediocre emotional strength.

3. GrapLeomon inherited the data of the “King of Beasts”, Leomon, and so that strong will to justice drives the turbines to the highest limit of their rotation speed.

4. Its design incorporates elements from the fictional Jashugan.

5. GrapLeomon digivolves from Gaogamon and Leomon and can digivolve to BanchoLeomon. If the waste gauge fills to the maximum, it will digivolve to Sukamon.

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