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  • 5 Awesome And Interesting Facts About Elecmon (Violet) From Digimon

5 Awesome And Interesting Facts About Elecmon (Violet) From Digimon

Elecmon (Violet) is a Mammal Digimon. Take a look below for 5 awesome and interesting facts about Elecmon (Violet) from Digimon.

1. It is an Elecmon that evolved into a Virus-species.

2. Due to its indiscriminately mean and unpleasant personality, it dexterously uses its tails to strike the enemy.

3. Elecmon (Violet) resembles a skunk-like creature with nine tails, red eyes, and long ears.

4. It is a blue-violet color with a white underbelly and yellow markings.

5. Elecmon (Violet) digivolves from Yokomon and can digivolve to Tuskmon.

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