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30 Fun And Fascinating Facts About Oricorio From Pokemon

Oricorio is a Flying-type Pokémon introduced in Generation VII. While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, Oricorio can change forms by sipping the nectar of certain flowers.

If Red Nectar is used on Oricorio, it will change into Baile Style, where it becomes Fire/Flying-type. If Yellow Nectar is used on Oricorio, it will change into Pom-Pom Style, where it becomes Electric/Flying-type. If Pink Nectar is used on Oricorio, it will change into Pa’u Style, where it becomes Psychic/Flying-type. If Purple Nectar is used on Oricorio, it will change into Sensu Style, where it becomes Ghost/Flying-type.

Take a look below for 30 fun and fascinating facts about Oricorio.

1. Oricorio is an avian Pokemon that can change between four markedly different forms.

2. The form it takes on depends on the kind of nectar it consumes.

3. All forms have a light pink beak, thin legs, and dark eyes with white pupils.

4. The feet have three toes in front and one in back, and the beak curves downward.

5. In its Baile Style, which resides in Ula’ula Island, Oricorio is covered in red feathers with two lines of black feathers across each of its wings and tail.

6. Its plumage resembles a frilly flamenco dress.

7. On the back of its head is a white ball with thin, spiraled extensions on either side that resemble earrings.

8. Its eyelids are purple, and it has a long tail.

9. Baile Style Oricorio is very passionate and exudes power when it dances, and can get fiercely angry if it is given the wrong orders.

10. It throws off downy fluff when it dances that it can ignite to perform a fiery dance attack.

11. In its Pom-Pom Style, residing in Melemele Island, Oricorio is primarily yellow. Most of its body is pale yellow with a line of longer feathers around its waist like a skirt.

12. Its lower body and short stubby tail are covered with short, white feathers.

13. Fluffy balls of darker yellow feathers cover the end of its wings like pom-poms, and similar, smaller puffs cover its ankles.

14. In the center of its chest is a yellow, v-shaped marking, and there are fan-shaped markings on the sides of its eyes.

15. The markings around its eyes are echoed by three large, pale yellow feathers on each side of its head, which are tipped with bright yellow. Pom-Pom Style Oricorio’s dancing charges its feathers with static electricity.

16. While charged, its feathers can be used to attack and unleash electric shocks. It will also use its dancing to cheer up people who are feeling glum, but will also use this as an opening to shock unsuspecting foes.

17. In its Pa’u Style, residing in Akala Island, Oricorio has pink feathers. Its main body is a dark pink, while most of its other feathers are varying shades of pink. A fan of three feathers tips each wing: two light pink with a whitish-pink on in the center. On the top of its head is an arrangement of feathers resembling a headdress: a ring of fluffy, light pink feathers with larger, paler feathers standing up from the center.

18. There is a larger, similar group of feathers around its waist like a skirt. Pa’u Style Oricorio can be difficult to deal with due to its laid-back nature. It uses its dance to focus its mind and increase its psychic power. The dance is also said to be an offering of thanks to its guardian deity. It gets caught up in dancing that it sometimes ignores its Trainer’s orders.

19. In its Sensu Style, residing in Poni Island, Oricorio’s feathers are mainly purple. The tips of its wings broaden into a fan shape, and it has a fan-shaped crest on top of its head. At the base of its crest are four feathers with light blue tips.

20. There are two of these feathers on each side, resembling ornamental hairsticks. On the side of each eye are small, light blue markings that resemble eyelashes. The edges of its wings, fans, head crest, and long tail all have a double border of pale purple with a light blue on the outer edge. Sensu Style Oricorio is a calm and collected Pokémon.

21. Through its dance, it draws in nearby spirits and borrows their power to fight. Its dance reminds people who migrated from Kanto of their homeland.

22. Oricorio is the only known Pokémon that can learn Revelation Dance, which changes its type according to Oricorio’s style.

23. The color for each Oricorio form corresponds to the Hawaiian word from which the name of its home island is derived.

24. When opening up Pokémon Refresh, due to a glitch pertaining to Pokémon with alternate forms, all four forms of Oricorio use Baile Style’s cry.

25. Oricorio shares its category with Galarian Mr. Mime. They are both known as the Dancing Pokémon.

26. Oricorio may be inspired by Hawaiian honeycreepers, small passerine birds native to Hawaii. Hawaiian honeycreepers feed on the nectar of various plants, but each species favors a specific flower that its beak is adapted to. Oricorio’s dancing may also derive from the mating dances of some birds.

27. Its dancing styles are inspired by different forms of dance. The Baile Style refers to flamenco (baile being a Spanish word for dance), the Pom-Pom Style refers to cheerleading, the Pa’u Style refers to hula (pāʻū being a Hawaiian word for skirt, especially ones that may be used in hula), and the Sensu Style refers to Japanese dance (扇子 sensu being the Japanese word for a folding fan as may be used in such dances). The Sensu style also bears a notable resemblance to a geisha.

28. Oricorio may also be inspired by Darwin’s finches, which also change and adapt to each island whenever they eat the nectar of the resident flowers.

29. Oricorio may be a combination of oriole and choreography. It may also incorporate oratorio.

30. Pom-Pom Style Oricorio debuted in Lillie’s Egg-xhilarating Challenge!, under the ownership of Hobbes. Hobbes used his Oricorio in a battle against Ash and Rowlet, where it was able to defeat Rowlet owing to Rowlet’s lack of battle experience. Hobbes’s Oricorio reappeared in The Ol’ Raise and Switch!, where it was used in a battle against Pikachu, who was under Lillie’s command at the time; it ultimately lost. It reappeared again in The Dex Can’t Help It!, where Hobbes sent it out to protect Lillie from Rotom Pokédex when it took on the form of a Mow Rotom.

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