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  • 11 Fun And Interesting Facts About Cox’s Cove, Newfoundland And Labrador, Canada

11 Fun And Interesting Facts About Cox’s Cove, Newfoundland And Labrador, Canada

Cox’s Cove is a town in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Take a look below for 11 fun and interesting facts about Cox’s Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

1. The town had a population of 688 in the Canada 2016 Census.

2. The small community is mainly based on the fishery, mink farm, and construction industries.

3. A fishing and logging community on the south side of Middle Arm in the Bay of Islands, Cox’s Cove was originally settled 1840 by Thomas O’Grady and George, John and William Cox, herring and lobster fishermen.

4. The community was also a regular port of call for the northern coastal boats.

5. Cox’s Cove was designated a reception centre in 1965 under the first Federal-Provincial Community Consolidation Programme, and from 1965 to 1970 received families from the nearby communities of Penguin Arm and Brakes Cove.

6. Cox’s Cove was incorporated in 1969, and by 1980 had a full range of municipal services.

7. In 1970 the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador established a new fish plant in the community.

8. In 1979 Cox’s Cove received a new water and sewerage system serving seventy per cent of the community.

9. In 1981 the herring fishery and plant employed the majority of Cox’s Cove’s labour force.

10. In the early 2000s a mink farm began operations in the town, the farm closed in 2019.

11. Each year Cox’s Cove also hosts the Big Hill Festival during the summer.

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