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  • 10 Interesting And Awesome Facts About BlackImperialdramon Dragon Mode From Digimon

10 Interesting And Awesome Facts About BlackImperialdramon Dragon Mode From Digimon

BlackImperialdramon Dragon Mode is an Ancient Dragon Digimon. Take a look below for 10 interesting and awesome facts about BlackImperialdramon Dragon Mode from Digimon.

1. Imperialdramon Dragon Mode was incapable of controlling its excessive power and was turned into a Virus, resulting in this form.

2. Once it starts going berserk, it runs the whole gamut of destruction with no way of stopping it.

3. It is said that there exists an Imperialdramon Fighter Mode (Black) that controls its destructive power through its heart of darkness.

4. BlackImperialdramon is a winged, draconic, quadrupedal Digimon.

5. It has a red mask, black armor, black skin and it has the Positron Laser on its back.

6. BlackImperialdramon digivolves from Digitamamon.

7. Imperialdramon Dragon Mode (Black) is #334, and is a Mega-level, Attacker-class, Dragon-species Digimon with a resistance to the Fire element and weakness to the Water element. Its basic stats are 315 HP, 342 MP, 173 Attack, 141 Defense, 111 Spirit, 127 Speed and 73 Aptitude. It possesses the Heroic Power, Heroic Guard, Mind’s Eye and Assassin traits.

8. It dwells in the mountain area of Transfield.

9. Imperialdramon Dragon Mode (Black) digivolves from Dinobeemon. In order to digivolve to Imperialdramon Dragon Mode (Black), your Digimon must be at least level 60, with 20,000 Dragon experience, and 315 attack.

10. Imperialdramon Dragon Mode (Black) can DNA digivolve from Vermilimon and Triceramon if your base Digimon is at least level 55, with 16,000 Dragon experience, but you must have previously befriended Imperialdramon Dragon Mode (Black).

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