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  • 10 Fun And Amazing Facts About BanchoMamemon From Digimon

10 Fun And Amazing Facts About BanchoMamemon From Digimon

BanchoMamemon is a Mutant Digimon. Take a look below for 10 fun and amazing facts about BanchoMamemon from Digimon.

1. One of the Digimon that have acquired the title of Bancho, it fights strongly in spite of its small stature, and has a personality that sports a chivalrous spirit and deeply overflowing emotions.

2. As it tries to rebel against the rules of the Digital World, it lives an independent life.

3. It similarly extends a hand to those Digimon who feel ill at ease with and isolated from the world, and from living together, they have formed a group called the “Mame-mon Rengō”.

4. However, continuing to betray the rules of the world is not an easy task for them, and although BanchoMamemon has had to fight those Digimon who aim to usurp it as leader under the pretense of a rebirth of the group several times over, the collective power of the Mame-mon Rengō has made those usurpers withdraw.

5. It is thought that it acquired the title of Bancho from being able to avoid enemies without losing its own family as well in all kinds of predicaments.

6. As with BanchoLeomon, it wears a GAKU-RAN” that negates the impact of physical attacks, and this defensive effect is often used to protect its companions.

7. BanchoMamemon is a small, ball-like Digimon who have been styled after the modern Banchō, a particular type of juvenile delinquent.

8. It has red eyes, a fang, and a scar on the left side of its face.

9. It wears a black cap with a golden Mamemon badge, a GAKU-RAN, and black shoes.

10. Its Ōgon Bat looks like a mix between a tonfa and a brass knuckle, with the tonfa part being golden, and the brass knuckle part being red. The tip of the Ōgon Bat has a golden Mamemon face sculpted on it.

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