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  • 10 Awesome And Fun Facts About Belphemon Sleep Mode From Digimon

10 Awesome And Fun Facts About Belphemon Sleep Mode From Digimon

Belphemon Sleep Mode is a Demon Lord Digimon. Take a look below for 10 awesome and fun facts about Belphemon Sleep Mode from Digimon.

1. It is said to be sealed in the deepest part of the Dark Area.

2. As the strength it possesses is too immense, its data is said to have been put in a Sleep state by the Digital World’s system, although the truth of the matter is unconfirmed.

3. Because it has fallen into a deep sleep, it cannot unleash its own attacks, but it is able to inflict damage to Digimon just with its snores, and for that reason, it will not be easy to attack Belphemon Sleep Mode in its sleep.

4. Belphemon Sleep Mode is derived from the mythological Belphegor, as well as the Second Beast of Revelation and the Tamagotchi.

5. Belphemon SM is a Dark Virus type, Mega level Digimon. It digivolves from Antylamon, Megadramon, and Meteormon, and can DNA Digivolve to Belphemon RM with one of Lilithmon, Barbamon, or Lucemon SM. Mega level Digimon can’t poop but if Piedmon’s experiment maxes the poop gauge, it will digivolve into PlatinumSukamon or Sukamon.

6. Belphemon SM is a Dark Virus Type, Mega level Digimon and uses 22 memory. It digivolves from Digitamamon and Wisemon and can Mode Change to/from Belphemon RM. Its special attack is Eternal Nightmare and its support skill is Sloth, which prevents Sleep, and has a 30% chance of putting target to sleep when attacking.

7. Belphemon SM is #283 and is a Dark Virus Type, Mega level Digimon and uses 22 memory. It digivolves from Digitamamon and Wisemon and can Mode Change to/from Belphemon RM. Its special attack is Eternal Nightmare and its support skill is Sloth, which prevents Sleep, and has a 30% chance of putting target to sleep when attacking.

8. Belphemon Sleep Mode is a card digivolution, digivolves from Astamon, and can digivolve to Belphemon Rage Mode.

9. Belphemon Sleep Mode is a Mega-level Mercenary Digimon. Belphemon Sleep Mode digivolves from Astamon, and can digivolve to Belphemon Rage Mode once the “Alarm Clock” has been applied to it.

10. Belphemon Sleep Mode can Mode Change to/from Belphemon Rage Mode.

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