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30 Awesome And Interesting Facts About Mikhail Lomonosov

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was a Russian polymath, scientist and writer, who made important contributions to literature, education and science. Among his discoveries were the atmosphere of Venus and the law of conservation of mass in chemical reactions. Take a look below for 30 more awesome and interesting facts about Mikhail Lomonosov. 1. His spheres of…

27 Fascinating And Interesting Facts About Robert Bunsen

Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen was a German chemist. He investigated emission spectra of heated elements, and discovered caesium and rubidium with the physicist Gustav Kirchhoff. Take a look below for 27 more fascinating and interesting facts about Robert Bunsen. 1. Bunsen developed several gas-analytical methods, was a pioneer in photochemistry, and did early work in…

25 Fascinating And Interesting Facts About Otto Lilienthal

Otto Lilienthal was a German pioneer of aviation who became known as the “flying man”. He was the first person to make well-documented, repeated, successful flights with gliders. Take a look below for 25 more fascinating and interesting facts about Otto Lilienthal. 1. Newspapers and magazines published photographs of Lilienthal gliding, favorably influencing public and…

30 Interesting And Awesome Facts About Francis Crick

Francis Harry Compton Crick was a British molecular biologist, biophysicist, and neuroscientist, most noted for being a co-discoverer of the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953 with James Watson, work which was based partly on fundamental studies done by Rosalind Franklin, Raymond Gosling and Maurice Wilkins. Take a look below for 30 more interesting…

30 Fun And Interesting Facts About Max Planck

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was a German theoretical physicist whose discovery of energy quanta won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. He made many contributions to theoretical physics, but his fame as a physicist rests primarily on his role as the originator of quantum theory, which revolutionized human understanding of atomic and…

30 Awesome And Interesting Facts About Enrico Fermi

Enrico Fermi was an Italian-American physicist and the creator of the world’s first nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1. He has been called the “architect of the nuclear age” and the “architect of the atomic bomb.” He was one of the very few physicists in history to excel both theoretically and experimentally. Take a look below…

30 Interesting And Fascinating Facts About Samuel Morse

Samuel Finley Breese Morse was an American painter and inventor. After having established his reputation as a portrait painter, in his middle age Morse contributed to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system based on European telegraphs. Take a look below for 30 more interesting and fascinating facts about Samuel Morse. 1. He was a…

24 Fun And Interesting Facts About Nikolaus Otto

Nikolaus August Otto was a German engineer who successfully developed the compressed charge internal combustion engine, which ran on petroleum gas and led to the modern internal combustion engine. Take a look below for 24 more fun and interesting facts about Nikolaus Otto. 1. The VDI, Association of German Engineers, created the DIN standard 1940,…

30 Fascinating And Interesting Facts About Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday was an English scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His main discoveries include the principles underlying electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and electrolysis. Take a look below for 30 more fascinating and interesting facts about Michael Faraday. 1. Although Faraday received little formal education, he was one of the most influential…

30 Fun And Interesting Facts About Niels Bohr

Niels Henrik David Bohr was a Danish physicist who made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. Bohr was also a philosopher and promoter of scientific research. Take a look below for 30 more fun and interesting facts about Niels Bohr. 1….