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9 Fun And Awesome Facts About Arcadiamon (Ultra) From Digimon

Arcadiamon (Ultra) is a Bewitching Beast Digimon. Take a look below for 9 fun and awesome facts about Arcadiamon (Ultra) from Digimon.

1. The form taken when Arcadiamon (Mega) evolved even further when it absorbed energy generated from battles.

2. Capable of rocking the ecosystem of the Digital World, its sheer power makes it known as being exceeding Mega.

3. Arcadiamon (Ultra) is based on a jellyfish with its body is covered is a tortoise-like shell.

4. Arcadiamon’s design may also come from the concept of the archdevil, as well as a play on the programming term.

5. Arcadiamon (In-Training)’s design came from combining a “slimy, gross feeling” with a crustacean.

6. The rest of its evolutionary line was created using the same two ideas as well. Arcadiamon (Mega) was designed by Ten’ya Yabuno.

7. Ten’ya Yabuno was “scrambling” for ideas for it, and wound up seeing a news report about the Nomura’s jellyfish, which lead to him designing the Ultra form after it. Its body was designed to be shell covered like a tortoise.

8. Yabuno also considered a humanoid form like UlforceVeedramon, though after submitting both designs was told to use whichever he wanted, leading him to combine both designs together.

9. Arcadiamon (Ultra) is #311 and is a Dark Virus Type, Ultra level Digimon and uses 25 memory. It digivolves from Arcadiamon (Mega). Its special attack is God Matrix and its support skill is Utopia which reduces the chance of Instant Death by 50% and increases the chance to critical hit by 10%.

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