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  • 9 Fascinating And Amazing Facts About BlackGreymon From Digimon

9 Fascinating And Amazing Facts About BlackGreymon From Digimon

BlackGreymon is a Dinosaur Digimon. Take a look below for 9 fascinating and amazing facts about BlackGreymon from Digimon.

1. Its ferociousness has increased, to the point where it can be called a completely wild Greymon.

2. Even so, it isn’t a lone wolf, and is clever enough to engage in team tactics with its comrades.

3. In Digimon Rumble Arena 2, it is depicted with black as opposed to blue skin.

4. Greymon (Blue) is an unlockable digivolution in Biyomon’s galaxy once has Agumon (Black) has been unlocked. It also appears as an enemy in some zones. Greymon (Blue) is also a requirement to unlock BlackWarGreymon.

5. A bluish virus version of Greymon can be seen in the Digimon Dictionary.

6. BlackGreymon is the digivolution of BlackAgumon, and can warp digivolve into BlackWarGreymon.

7. Greymon (Blue) is a Fire Virus Type, Champion level Digimon and uses 8 memory. It digivolves from Agumon (Black), Guilmon, and Goblimon, and can digivolve to DoruGreymon, Knightmon, and MetalGreymon (Blue). Its special attack is Bit Fire and its support skill is Dragon’s Wrath which increases attack by 10%.

8. Greymon (Black), previously named BlackGreymon, digivolves from BlackAgumon and can digivolve to MetalGreymon (Black).

9. BlackGreymon digivolves from BlackAgumon and can digivolve to MetalGreymon (Virus).

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