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  • 5 Fun And Incredible Facts About Impmon X From Digimon

5 Fun And Incredible Facts About Impmon X From Digimon

Impmon X is a Mini Devil Digimon and carrier of the X-Antibody. Take a look below for 5 fun and incredible facts about Impmon X from Digimon.

1. Impmon grew confident in its own strength after obtaining the X-Antibody, causing it to start acting aloof.

2. It wears an eyepatch and a scarf, believing that they contribute to its aloof aura; removing its eyepatch will allow it to unleash its true power… which is what Impmon assumes, though that does not appear to have any actual effect on the strength of its techniques.

3. Impmon X is an altered version of Impmon that appears to take inspiration from the Japanese term Chunibyo.

4. It wears an eye patch with a red X over its right eye, a belt with a yellow smiley face and its neckerchief has become more pronounced with a white X on the left end.

5. Its right glove has changed color to blue, its left eye has become red and the tip of its tail is now red with a ring in it.

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