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  • 5 Fascinating And Fun Facts About Gargoylemon From Digimon

5 Fascinating And Fun Facts About Gargoylemon From Digimon

Gargoylemon is a Dark Animal Digimon. Take a look below for 5 fascinating and fun facts about Gargoylemon from Digimon.

1. It armor-digivolved through the power of the “Digi-Egg of Light”.

2. Originally, it was a Demon-species Digimon, but it supressed its power with restraints and there are occasions when it is employed as a familiar for Angel Digimon.

3. It is said that when it is freed from control due to those restraints, it exhibits tremendous power.

4. Gargoylemon can be found in Amaterasu’s East Sector, in Protocol Forest and Protocol Ruins.

5. Gargolyemon Armor digivolves from Veemon using the Digi-Egg of Light.

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