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25 Fun And Interesting Facts About Deer

Deer are part of the Cervidae family that include moose, reindeer, and elk. Antelopes resemble deer in many ways but they have horns instead of antlers. The main difference between horns and antlers is that horns don’t regrow and get replaced like antlers do. Take a look below for 25 more fun and interesting facts about deer.

1. There is a species of deer that have fangs.

2. In Finland, reindeer herders are painting their reindeer’s antlers with reflective paint in order to cut down on deer on car collisions.

3. A herd of white deer, which are extremely rare, live within the former Seneca Army Depot. When the base opened, the deer were fenced off by mistake.

4. The distress calls that mammal offspring give, share elements across species. For example, a Canadian study showed that mother deer rushed towards recorded cries not only of deer offspring, but also to those of dogs, cats and humans.

5. Deer are known to look for bird nests and eat their offspring.

6. In Germany, there is a species of deer who won’t cross the border of where the Iron Curtain once stood. Even though the border hasn’t been there for 20 years, it still refuses to cross.

7. Key deer is an endangered deer that lives in the Florida Keys.

8. They’re able to swim between islands and, due to their constant interaction with humans, have stopped fearing them.

9. The key deer is the smallest North American deer species.

10. Deer pose the most danger to humans out of all mammals in North America due to their affinity of running across highway lanes.

11. In South Carolina, United States, if you hit a deer with your car, you can get a tax credit if you get the deer butchered and donate the meat to charity.

12. Red deer in New Zealand have a rare fiber called Cervelt; it’s supposedly softer than cashmere.

13. 20 grams of Cervelt can be collected yearly per deer and it’s used to make luxury socks that cost $1,500 per pair.

14. In Nara, Japan, deer and people lived in harmony for 1300 years. If you visit, you can see deer and people walking around all over the city.

15. The deer in Nara have been called “bowing deers” because they tend to bow to people to get food.

16. Dollar bills are called “bucks” because in the 18th and 19th century, deer skin was used as currency.

17. While deer is so common in most parts of the world, they’re pretty much non-existent in Africa.

18. Deer antlers are the fastest growing tissue on the planet. They’re capable of expanding an inch every two days during their “velvet” stage.

19. The Pudu is the world’s smallest type of deer. It’s only 32 centimeters tall, which makes it as tall as an average ruler.

20. If a pregnant deer becomes malnourished, or her environmental conditions aren’t good, they can abort and absorb the fetus naturally.

21. The Irish Elk was the biggest deer ever. They’re known for growing up to 7 feet in height, when measured at the shoulders, and they had the largest antlers of any known deer; measuring 12 feet from tip to tip.

22. When relaxing, deer are known to align themselves to the north and south of Earth’s magnetic field.

23. Male red deer are known to masturbate by rubbing their antlers in the grass until they ejaculate.

24. In England, you’re allowed to shoot a deer from an aircraft as long as they aircraft isn’t moving and the engine is switched off.

25. When male deer have damaged testicles or if they have them removed, their antlers will stop shedding. The velvet will continue to grow around the existing antler, which gives them a cactus type look.

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