Black Crow, or Jesse Black Crow, is a fictional Native American superhero that appears in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He was created by writer J.M. DeMatteis and penciller Paul Neary. Take a look below for 21 more fun and fascinating facts about Black Crow.
1. The Black Crow first appeared in Captain America #292.
2. Black Crow has been identified as one of the 142 registered superheroes who appear on the cover of the comic book Avengers: The Initiative #1.
3. Jesse Black Crow, a member of the Navajo nation, left the New Mexico reservation to become a construction worker on skyscrapers in New York City.
4. When Jesse Black Crow was working on a skyscraper 20 stories up, he fell to the ground. He managed to survive the fall but was permanently paralyzed from the waist down.
5. While Jesse Black Crow was in the hospital, the spirit of the Earth visited him and showed him the plight of the Native America people. The spirit also allowed him to transform into Black Crow, who’s a mystical warrior and protector of the Native American people.
6. The Earth spirit sent Black Crow to challenge Captain America to a trail by combat because, as a symbol of modern America, Captain America had to die to appease the spirit.
7. Black Crow assisted Red Wolf and Doctor Strange in rescuing Red Wolf’s mentor, Owayodata, who had been taken hostage by a trio of other Native America gods, Calumet, Nanabozho and Hotamitanio.
8. In his last known appearance, Black Crow appeared to Captain America telling him that he was going to die within 24 hours.
9. In the Civil War tie-in War Crimes, it was revealed that Black Crow was arrested after a 12 hour stand off with S.H.I.E.L.D. He was one of the many prisoners who escaped during the massive breakout arranged by Captain America.
10. Jesse Black Crow was being considered as a potential recruit for the Initiative program.
11. While Jesse Black Crow normally uses a wheelchair due to his paralysis, when he transforms into the Black Crow, he’s able to walk.
12. In his form as Black Crow, Jesse has superhuman strength, stamina, durability, agility and reflexes, and is a gifted unarmed combatant.
13. Black Crow can mystically summon fog and mist. He also has shape-shifting powers.
14. Black Crow’s two most well-known forms are that of a crow or a bolt of lightning, but he has also transformed himself into mist, and assumed the forms of Spider-Man, the Puma, an actual puma and a gigantic crow.
15. He retains all of his human intelligence in any form he takes; he can also speak in animal form.
16. Black Crow can mystically transport himself and others into the land of the Anasazi of Native America myth.
17. He has proven capable of communicating telepathically with Captain America, paralyzing a person through mystic hypnosis, and removing specific memories from a person’s mind.
18. Black Crow possesses mystic senses that are attuned to the spirits of mortal Native Americans and to their deities.
19. He can sense the auras of other Native Americas and learn their recent past.
20. Black Crow is capable of creating visions and illusions in the minds of others, leading to speculation that some of his powers are just illusions playing in other people’s minds.
21. He carries a spear, which he spins to perform certain mystical feats such as cleansing negative magical energies. Black Crow also carries an ordinary longbow, arrows and a knife.