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  • 15 Awesome And Interesting Facts About Blossomon From Digimon

15 Awesome And Interesting Facts About Blossomon From Digimon

Blossomon is a Vegetation Digimon. Take a look below for 15 awesome and interesting facts about Blossomon from Digimon.

1. It has the appearance of a giant flower, with countless vines as its roots growing from its body.

2. Despite its strange appearance it is very docile, and due to its personality it rarely appears before others.

3. For a plant it has an unusually long life span, and although the petals around its body (or face, really) fall out whenever the seasons change, it has the special ability to grow back new petals.

4. It hates arid regions, and always inhabits areas near the water.

5. Blossomon was one of Puppetmon’s playmates. She was seen briefly when T.K. was fleeing from Puppetmon, and hid in the room where Mushroomon and Blossomon were. He asked them not to say anything, but Blossomon ratted him out. When Puppetmon did not find T.K. where he was hiding, Puppetmon thought the two lied and killed them (the killing was edited out in the dub).

6. When Yolei Inoue, Kari Kamiya and Ken Ichijouji were trapped within the Dark World, they were attacked by a large Blossomon created from some Control Spires by Arukenimon. She overpowered Aquilamon and Stingmon with her flower-headed tendrils. However, Blossomon and her flower-headed tendrils were destroyed when Aquilamon and Gatomon DNA digivolved to Silphymon for the first time.

7. Blossomon is a boss in Tree Dungeon 2, after taking a certain amount of damage it de-digivolves into Ninjamon and then into Floramon.

8. A Blossomon is partnered to a DigiDestined. When it and its partner were in the City an Eosmon (Ultimate) suddenly jumped out of its partner’s phone and attacks them in the hopes stealing their consciousnesses so that they could take them to the Never World where they would live inside their partner’s memories forever. Blossomon, having digivolved from Kiwimon, fights back however, and it manages to survive long enough to not get kidnapped, the Eosmon turning into data after the main one is defeated in the Never World.

9. Gotsumon sent a large Blossomon to prevent Marcus Damon, Agumon, Thomas H. Norstein, Gaomon, and Falcomon from obtaining a virus cure from Wanderer’s Cape. Blossomon attempted to stop them before she ended up fighting RizeGreymon and MachGaogamon over a body of water. She ended up being destroyed by RizeGreymon.

10. Blossomon can be found at Amaterasu’s East Sector in the Wire Forest Area. Its yellow color variable can be found at the South Sector, in Ether Jungle and Phoenix Bay, while in the PAL version of the game, it can be found in the East Sector, at Divermon’s Lake.

11. Blossomon is the first boss that the player will encounter in Death Valley. Another one is fought before the Numenume River.

12. Blossomon can also DNA digivolve from Octomon and Kiwimon, if the base Digimon is at least level 29, with 5000 Insect/Plant experience, and 170 attack. Blossomon can DNA digivolve to Anubismon with Garudamon, to Lilithmon with MarineDevimon, or to Lotusmon with LadyDevimon.

13. Blossomon digivolves from Togemon and can digivolve into Lotosmon. In order to digivolve or degenerate into Blossomon, your Digimon must be at least level 29 with 140 attack and a level cap of 44.

14. Blossomon (Kiwimon) digivolves from Kiwimon and can digivolve to Gryphonmon.

15. Blossomon can DNA digivolve to Crossmon with Nanomon or to Anubimon with Garudamon.

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