Gigasmon is a Mineral Digimon. Take a look below for 10 interesting and fun facts about Gigasmon from Digimon.
1. It possesses power over Earth which bears the might of AncientVolcanomon.
2. It is an earth giant that materialized by coalescing soil from the ground and the components of the atmosphere.
3. During the moment of its materialization, it quenched at high temperatures, and its skin changed to that of super-hardness surpassing that of ceramics.
4. Its personality and thoughts are arrogant according to Grumblemon.
5. Due to it becoming gigantic, it has become more overconfident and its tactics are also extremely violent.
6. Because it fundamentally takes its opponents lightly, it thinks that fighting them is boring and will often yawn during battle.
7. Gigasmon’s design is derived from the mythological Giant.
8. It also has a bulbous nose, like the mythological Troll.
9. Gigasmon is an obtainable Digimon at the B-Hybrid level.
10. Gigasmon digivolves from Grumblemon.