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  • 10 Incredible And Fascinating Facts About Hookmon From Digimon

10 Incredible And Fascinating Facts About Hookmon From Digimon

Hookmon is a Mutant Digimon. Take a look below for 10 incredible and fascinating facts about Hookmon from Digimon.

1. It is a pirate Digimon with one eye.

2. It ventures the “Net Ocean” pursuing the phantom White Whamon, and is a courageous man of the ocean that faces up even to rough seas.

3. Its right hand has become a hook-shaped claw, and once it has ensnared its prey, it won’t let go at any cost.

4. Its left hand has become a cannon.

5. Hookmon is based on Captain Hook and Captain Ahab.

6. In Digimon World 3, Hookmon’s hat and coat are red instead of blue, its sleeves and upper part of its boots are blue instead of red, and its scarf is yellow instead of red. Its shoes also have a pattern, whilst its original version does not.

7. The soles of its shoes are also white.

8. Hookmon digivolves from PawnChessmon (Black), and can digivolve into Meteormon. It also appears in the Drain Tunnel.

9. Hookmon can DNA digivolve to BishopChessmon (White) with Wizardmon, to Mummymon with Bakemon or Fugamon, to ShogunGekomon with Shellmon, or to GrapLeomon with Minotarumon.

10. Hookmon DigiFuses to Mermaimon with Coelamon and Ebidramon.

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