Bombmon is a Slime Digimon. Take a look below for 8 fascinating and interesting facts about Bombmon from Digimon.
1. It is a short-tempered Digimon that easily blows its top at trivial things.
2. As it loses its temper, its topknot steadily shortens, and when the topknot has completely retracted into its head, its anger explodes.
3. Although it has several Special Moves, all of them have the power of a firecracker.
4. However, because of its vivid beauty, it is often enjoyed as a party entertainment.
5. It is a nuisance for Bombmon that it is provoked even though it is at a party.
6. Bombmon appears as a blue sphere with a fuse on its head, drawing particular inspiration from the cherry bomb.
7. The sphere has eyes and a mouth.
8. Bombmon is an obtainable Digimon.