Armed MadLeomon is an Undead Digimon. Take a look below for 7 awesome and fascinating facts about Armed MadLeomon from Digimon.
1. It is the “Weapon-frenzy Mode” of MadLeomon, who gave itself a chainsaw as well as even more modifications.
2. Due to its repeated modifications and unbalanced chainsaw, intense pain is always running through its body, enraging MadLeomon.
3. Because it is unable to stay still, due to its pain, it sees anything reflected in its eyes as an enemy, and attacks.
4. MadLeomon grows in size and gains armor as well as a chainsaw for its right arm.
5. MadLeomon: Armed Mode is an enemy Digimon found in the Green Zone.
6. MadLeomon: Armed Mode digivolves from MadLeomon.
7. MadLeomon turns into Armed MadLeomon when attacking.