Hyokomon is a Chick Digimon. Take a look below for 5 interesting and incredible facts about Hyokomon from Digimon.
1. It is a chick samurai that digivolved from Chicchimon and went wandering in order to master swordsmanship.
2. Hyokomon is #063, and is a Rookie-level, HP-type, Bird-species Digimon with a resistance to the Holy element and a weakness to the Thunder element. It possesses the Health 100% and Evasion traits, and has the special skill Tree Cut.
3. It dwells in the Packet Coast. When defeated, it can drop the debug plate for Buraimon.
4. Hyokomon digivolves from Chicchimon and can digivolve into Buraimon. In order to digivolve or degenerate into Hyokomon, your Digimon must be at least level 11.
5. Hyokomon can DigiFuse to Kabuterimon with Tentomon and to Buraimon with Hawkmon.