EbiBurgamon is a Food Digimon. Take a look below for 5 interesting and fascinating facts about EbiBugamon from Digimon.
1. It is a Digimon that took in food data, and maybe because it consists of the selected ingredient data, it is a Digimon with a pure heart.
2. EbiBurgamon is a variant species of Burgermon, and has taken in the ingredient data of fresh shrimp.
3. It aims to start a first-rate hamburger restaurant that will bring in a lot of customers with Burgermon.
4. On Bo-28L EbiBurgamon is a darker shade of pink and wears a white/pink hat and jacket.
5. An EbiBurgamon is seen on Trailmon (Buffalo) before it arrived at the start location of the Great Trailmon Race. The same EbiBurgamon appears at the end with Piddomon, giving the grand prize of a trip to its hometown, the Hamburger Village.