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5 Fascinating And Awesome Facts About DexDorugoramon From Digimon

DexDorugoramon is a Ghost Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody. Take a look below for 5 fascinating and awesome facts about DexDorugoramon from Digimon.

1. It is a figure of the Prototype Digimon “Doru Series” that was experimented on in search of further digivolutions, which achieved its Mega form through “Death-X Evolution”.

2. It is called the “Digicore Predator” because its own activity is dependent on the Digicores of other Digimon, and is nothing but a threat to them.

3. Since it keeps preying on the Digicores of other Digimon, it is active despite its deceased condition, and its entire body is covered in restraints due to it storing the information from a massive Digicore within its body, so it is barely able to remain active as a lone Digimon.

4. It is a corrupted version of Dorugoramon.

5. DexDorugoramon is the Mega form of Dorumon and digivolves from DexDoruGreymon at LV 41. Is also the Mega form of a mutant DemiMeramon from an event.

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