Fujinmon is a Cyborg Digimon. Take a look below for 5 crazy and fun facts about Fujinmon from Digimon.
1. It was bestowed with the name of the Fūjin of Oriental folklore.
2. As a Light Fighter that battles with light movements, it specializes in close combat.
3. It is equipped with the same cutter-type “Cyclonic Arm” (Critical Arm) as Justimon.
4. The characters on its shoulder crest read “Fūjin”.
5. Fujinmon is the first of the three Digimon in Lord Megadeath’s party, along with Raijinmon and Suijinmon. When his health is halved, he will start using a special technique called Maltcyclone, in which he spins towards the player with the swords extended, dealing physical and wind damage. This attack can be countered.