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  • 4 Awesome And Interesting Facts About Betamon X From Digimon

4 Awesome And Interesting Facts About Betamon X From Digimon

Betamon X is an Aquatic Digimon and carrier of the X-Antibody. Take a look below for 4 awesome and interesting facts about Betamon X from Digimon.

1. As a Digimon used for enjoyment by some enthusiasts due to its emerald green body color and gentle personality, it continues to be overhunted, and although it is endangered, it is gradually becoming experienced at fighting as a lifeform that digivolves into a fine Aquatic Digimon.

2. Both the claws on its feet and its crest grew, and it now performs attacks against approaching enemies.

3. Its “Dengeki Biririn” also powered up.

4. Betamon X is an altered version of Betamon with two more head fins and spines on its limbs.

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