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  • 11 Fun And Awesome Facts About AncientKazemon From Digimon

11 Fun And Awesome Facts About AncientKazemon From Digimon

AncientKazemon is an Ancient Bird Man Digimon. Take a look below for 11 fun and awesome facts about AncientKazemon from Digimon.

1. Possessing the attribute of “Wind”, it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors that saved the ancient Digital World.

2. A Mega who existed only in the distant past, it has golden wings and a beautiful rainbow-colored figure.

3. With its golden wings, it soars around the vast skies, and it is said that, by erecting rainbow bridges, it can move freely even through the earth and sea.

4. Its beauty and abilities were later passed on to the “Bird Man” and “Fairy Digimon”.

5. AncientKazemon is a winged woman wielding a rapier.

6. It draws inspiration from its namesake, the goddess Iris, with the rainbow motif of its hair and abilities.

7. Iris was also associated with the wind.

8. AncientKazemon is #274, and is a Mega-level, Speed-class, Bird-species Digimon with a resistance to the Holy element and a weakness to the Thunder element. It possesses the Paralysis Barrier, God Eye, Dodge Dance, and 7 Lucky Gods traits.

9. It dwells in the Pixel Desert. When defeated, it can drop the debug plate for AncientKazemon.

10. AncientKazemon digivolves from Silphymon. In order to digivolve into AncientKazemon, your Digimon must be at least level 46 with 240 speed, but only once you have revived AncientKazemon and input the Spirit of Wind.

11. AncientKazemon digifuses during a battle from Silphymon, Lillymon, Garudamon, and Lilamon, and will attack with “Rainbow Symphony”. It can also be formed from a DigiMelody. It can digifuse to Varodurumon with Valkyrimon, Chirinmon, and Lucemon, and to Susanoomon with AncientMegatheriummon, AncientMermaidmon, AncientWisemon, and AncientVolcanomon.

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