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10 Interesting And Awesome Facts About Gotsumon From Digimon

Gotsumon is a Rock Digimon. Take a look below for 10 interesting and awesome facts about Gotsumon from Digimon.

1. It is an ore type Digimon with powerful defensive abilities.

2. It acquired the data of ore, improving its defense.

3. It is mischievous with a cheerful personality. 

4. It is a little selfish, and once it gets angry, it seems to have the raging temper of an erupting volcano.

5. The ore that makes it up changes depending on environment and conceals the possibility of evolution.

6. Gotsumon is a humanoid Digimon with a body made of gray rocks.

7. It has yellow eyes and two rocks on its head that resemble bear ears.

8. It has three fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot.

9. In the Digital World, the DigiDestined encountered numerous Gotsumon, freeing them from the Digimon Emperor’s control and helping rebuild the damaged parts of the Digital World. A number of Gotsumon are fleeing from Kimeramon.

10. An Gotsumon is listed on Maki Himekawa’s computer as one of the Digimon that was reborn as a result of the reboot.

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