We all love the way Levi’s look and feel, but what if there was a little more to them than that? Well, the good news for all you Levi’s lovers is that there’s plenty you can still learn and discover about them, starting with these 15 interesting facts about Levi’s Jeans.
1. Levis Strauss was born in Germany in 1829 and immigrated to the USA in 1847 once he’d turned 18.
2. Levi’s began life as a dry goods store, not a clothing brand, in 1853 once he arrived in San Francisco.
3. His first trousers weren’t made from denim, they were made from duck canvas.

4. ‘Waist overalls’ is the name that preceded jeans, and it’s not hard to see why that never caught on.
5. His first production run was made in New Hampshire.
6. There is no record of what the arcuate means because all of Levi’s records were lost when their building burnt to the ground in 1906.

7. The famous double horse patch was first seen in 1886.
8. 501s were invented in 1873, but the name didn’t come about for another 17 years!
9. The oldest pair of jeans still in existence date all the way from 1879.

10. When you see ‘XX’ on old denim jeans you’ll now know that’s to denote that the strength of the denim was unsurpassed.
11. Levi’s began making their signature khakis in 1905.
12. Belt loops were handily added in 1922.

13. Two back pockets were added in 1901.
14. He didn’t invent denim, he was just the first to rivet it.
15. His tailor, Jacob Davis, was the one who suggested riveting denim.